Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dear Crew

Our aging fleet took it in the chops this summer. Who can forget Adam's text message to wise old Uncle Bob as he prepared to take the Conways down the New Meadows to moor at SP? "The boat is leaking!" GG never made it off the trailer over the 4th of July holiday, alas. Then came the attempt to launch the Tara. Cap'n Bob, Elizabeth, and Noah almost lost her in the backyard in the effort to get her on the trailer! After dodging that bullet, the dynamic quadruplet (Noah, Adam, Jess, and CB) succeeded in maneuvering 3 vessels into position at Hermit Island's Yankee dock, only to have Tara forced onto the dock and the Lowe boat seriously disabled. The team finally towed Tara down to the SPOC dock with the Zodiac, while Bosun Adam and Jess accompanied them in the Lowe boat using the only gear that worked, reverse. At the SPOC dock, after serious failed efforts to drop Tara's mast into the sea, team Feinstein + 1 succeeded in installing Tara's mast and got her to the mooring, only one broken turnbuckle shy of perfect.
Thank goodness! Then, the next day, under a blue sky and steady breeze, team Feinstein (Adam and Noah) + 1 (the lovely Jess Conway) headed out to the races, only to discover that boat number 2 was seriously leaking. Yes, folks, the mighty Tara had sprung a debilitating leak around the rudder post! The lads were consequently forced out of the first race and only narrowly made it into race #2 because wiley old Cap'n Bob .... (to be continued ...)

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