Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Boston Qualifier

This Certifies That

Elizabeth Lagerquist

Has Successfully Completed
The Portland Marathon on October 7th, 2007


Overall Place: 878 / 7724

Division Place: 48 / 653

Gender Place: 172 / 4195


This was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done (and it was my 3rd marathon). My inner monologue that usually keeps me going during races was even faltering and I had to call for backup. Luckily for me my gallant husband borrowed our friend Margaret's belt and came to my aid running with me for a mile and a half until he had to leave the course at mile 26. With that boost of support I was able to put all my energy into getting across the finish line .2 miles later within the finishing time needed to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
Thank you all for your support and good wishes... Anyone fancy a springtime trip to Boston?


Kath said...

CONGRATULATIONS! When is the Boston Marathon????? Any pix of Eliza, conquering heroine? Love, Kath

Eliza said...

Oh yes, pictures to come...
Next year the marathon is April 21st.

David said...

Magnificent! Bravo! Maayan and I always talk about how you were getting coffee at the same time as us, except we were waking up and you had already run 18 miles.

Lea said...

I will definitely be coming to cheer you on. April in Boston it is! You will be running right by my old dorm at Wellesley. Let's talk about where you want me to cheer (heartbreak hill?)