Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Soy un viajero.

How did we do in the Commodore's race?

I've been hyping myself up to try and get a job at sea once in Barcelona. Thinking it might be more interesting (and less performative) than teaching.

I'm taking off tonight, weather permitting, at 6:55 pm. I'll be in Rome by 10 am, and Barcelona by 2 in the afternoon of September 12. My lack of Spanish speaking ability was truly driven home when, last night, I was trying to say, "I don't speak Spanish, but I am studying it," and realized that I was nowhere close. The good people of Spain will have to do without this information, it seems. However, I have prepared an answer to the question, "What do you do?" Soy un viajero, amigo, soy un viajero.


Kath said...

Buena suerte! I can't believe you are departing so soon! And headed for more sea adventures! Thank you for letting us know -- we'll be thinking of you tonight, and Elizabeth too, who will be following you eastbound tonight as far as Washington, D.C. Love, Aunt Kath

Kath said...

Also -- in the Commodore's Race we missed you. It was a blowy day, but Stacey and I held our own, and we finished about the middle. Stacey was especially good with the spinnaker, which I had pretty much forgotten how to do, since it had been quite a few years since I'd been in the Tara. Next year I would like to go out more in non-race situations!

Anonymous said...

Fly safe senor feinstein, fly safe... and return safe... more sailing races are ahead of us. Can you all believe i have not been traumatized forever? It is true and i love (the water and the boats) even more!

Kath said...

Maayan! Send me your e-mail so I can put you on the permission list!

Anonymous said...

