Thursday, September 6, 2007

Goodbye to Maine for 2007

Dear Family -- Last week I closed up the house in Maine with bittersweet feelings and a longing to keep the family connections going throughout the year, especially with members unable to visit or able to come for only a short time. I would love it if people posted stories, pictures, ideas, suggestions. David and Maayan -- I think you may have a story or two to tell! Love to all, and do keep in touch! Kath


catherinevaughan said...

great photo. I don't know how to do this yet ... but learning

Kath said...

Catherine! So glad to hear from you! Assuming you have a g-mail account -- can you send me the address, so I can add you to the "permitted list"? And believe me, I don't know how to do this yet either -- I only got this far with remote help from Noah, and do not claim any expertise at all. I think it will be fun as people add pictures and comments, and we build a recent family history of sorts. Do you have a picture of where you live?